Andreas Software
Free programs for Windows


Here you will find even more programs created by me.

Anchor Index

^ Anchor Index

Extra Programs 1 (4 programs)

Here you have a 7Z file with Extra Programs 1.

Included programs

  • AS-Blanker 2.0 - Quickly hide the contents of the screen.
  • AS-Blanker Text 2.0 - Quickly hide the contents of the screen with texts.
  • AS-CopyIP 1.30 - Request and copy your public IP Address.
  • AS-Local IPs 1.10 - Display and copy your local IP Addresses.

> Download these programs (7Z file, 0.40 MB)

> Download the documentation for these programs (7Z file, 4.4 kB)

Revision Date: 2025-02-16.
License: Freeware.
Unicode Support: Yes.
DPI Aware: System-Aware.
Program Type: Fully portable, X64.
Operating System(s): Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and 11. (Also the Server versions.)
Language(s): English and Swedish.

^ Anchor Index

Extra Programs 2 (4 programs)

Here you have a 7Z file with Extra Programs 2.

Included programs

  • AS-Analog Clock 1.30 - An analog clock with plenty of settings.
  • AS-ASCII Text 1.10 - Magnify ordinary text into ASCII text.
  • AS-File Date 2.0 - Change date and time on files and folders.
  • AS-Password Generator 2.20 - Generate strong passwords.

> Download these programs (7Z file, 0.05 MB)

> Download the documentation for these programs (7Z file, 4.5 kB)

Revision Date: 2025-02-16.
License: Freeware.
Unicode Support: Yes.
DPI Aware: System-Aware.
Program Type: Fully portable, X64.
Operating System(s): Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and 11. (Also the Server versions.)
Language(s): English and Swedish.

^ Anchor Index

Bonus Programs 1 (22 programs)

Here you have a 7Z file with Bonus Programs 1.

Included programs

  • AS-AESCTRMix 1.10 - Encrypt files with AES-256 (in CTR Mix mode). (*)
  • AS-AESCTRMix Text 1.10 - Encrypt text with AES-256 (in CTR Mix mode). (*)
  • AS-CC 2.10 - Adjust the colors of your monitors.
  • AS-Circle Image 1.10 - Create a circle image.
  • AS-Eagle 1.0 - Up-scale pixel-art with the Eagle algorithm.
  • AS-EAN8 1.0 - Convert seven digits into a barcode image.
  • AS-EAN13 1.0 - Convert twelve digits into a barcode image.
  • AS-Emboss Blend 1.0 - Apply an emboss filter on an image and blend in source colors.
  • AS-EPX 1.0 - Up-scale pixel-art with the EPX algorithm.
  • AS-Frame 1.0 - Add a frame on an image.
  • AS-Gradient Filter 1.0 - Use the color space between two colors in an image.
  • AS-Melody and Freq Suite 1.0 - Play melody strings or a specific frequency.
  • AS-Play 1.0 - Play melody strings with MIDI.
  • AS-Scale2X 1.0 - Up-scale pixel-art with the Scale2X algorithm.
  • AS-Scale3X 1.0 - Up-scale pixel-art with the Scale3X algorithm.
  • AS-SwapMix 1.10 - Encrypt files with Swap-240 (in Mix mode). (*)
  • AS-SwapMix Text 1.10 - Encrypt text with Swap-240 (in Mix mode). (*)
  • AS-TBR 1.0 - Measure and display time consumption in the command line.
  • AS-Threshold Filter 1.10 - Apply a threshold filter on an image.
  • AS-VidNails 1.10 - Make preview images of video files.
  • AS-Vigenere 1.0 - Encrypt text with the Vigenère cipher.
  • AS-Vigenere ML 1.0 - Encrypt multi-line text with the Vigenère cipher.

(*) Compatibility: I do not guarantee compatibility between different versions/revisions of these programs.

> Download these programs (7Z file, 0.74 MB)

> Download the documentation for these programs (7Z file, 13.5 kB)

Revision Date: 2025-02-16.
License: Freeware.
Unicode Support: Yes.
DPI Aware: System-Aware / N/A.
Program Type: Fully portable, X64.
Operating System(s): Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and 11. (Also the Server versions.)
Language(s): English and Swedish / Only English.

^ Anchor Index

Bonus Programs 2 (2 programs)

Here you have a 7Z file with Bonus Programs 2.

Included programs

  • AS-Luhn 1.10 - Verify the check digit with the Luhn algorithm.
  • AS-ROT13 1.10 - Rotate text with the ROT13 algorithm.

> Download these programs (7Z file, 0.02 MB)

> Download the documentation for these programs (7Z file, 2.2 kB)

Revision Date: 2025-02-16.
License: Freeware.
Unicode Support: Yes.
DPI Aware: System-Aware.
Program Type: Fully portable, X64.
Operating System(s): Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and 11. (Also the Server versions.)
Language(s): English and Swedish.

^ Anchor Index